Sunday, November 16, 2008

Turned Away and Lost

Biblical Discernment

Turned Away and Lost

Paul’s sad comment in II Timothy 1:15 is said by some historians led to a loss of vital Biblical truths for the Body of Christ and contributed to bringing in the historical period we call “the dark ages.”

It has been suggested that these vital truths were lost in a particular order. To wit:

The Distinctive Message and Ministry of Paul. II Timothy 1:15

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Body of Christ.

The Marked Difference Between Israel and the Body of Christ.

Justification by Faith Alone, in Christ Alone. Acts 13:39

These truths were slowly recovered, also in a particular order. To wit:

Justification by Faith Alone, in Christ Alone. Protestant Reformation in the 16th Century via Luther, et al.
The Difference Between Israel and The Church , the Body of Christ. Recovered in the 1800s by John Nelson Darby, Ethelbert William Bullinger, Sir Robert Anderson, et al.
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Body of Christ. Recovered in the 1900th century by J.N. Darby and included by C.I. Schofield in his Reference Bible, published in 1909.
The Distinctive Message and Ministry of Paul. Recovered in the 1900s by J.C. O’Hair, Charles Baker, C.R. Stam, et al.

Out of this dark period came some 400 plus denominations. Each denomination can be identified by the Jewish doctrines they mixed with those for the Body of Christ. Consider this scenario:
A man, obviously distressed, stands on a street corner. Mr. Fundamental Baptist stops and asks if he can be of help. The man confesses that he has come to the realization that he is lost in his sins. Mr. Baptist proceeds to take out his New Testament and lead the man down the “Roman road.” He also cites Acts 16:31; John 3:36 and Ephesians 2:8,9. And tells the man that the solution to his problem is to simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins. Standing nearby is a Roman Catholic, who, after hearing the exchange, interrupts and tells Mr. Baptist, “Have you forgotten James 2:20, “Faith without works is dead.” And will you also read verse 24? “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith alone.” He then proceeds to cite Acts 2:38 to prove that the man must be baptized in order to be saved. A Campbellite interrupts and says, “I am glad you mentioned Acts 2:38, you must also show him Mark 16:15,16. He turns to the man and says, “Isn’t that plain? A Pentecostal, overhearing the conversation, breaks in with, “Why didn’t you read Mark 16:17,18. “And these signs shall follow them that believe…..” “Isn’t that perfectly clear? Now a Seventh Day Adventist breaks into the conversation: “Have you forgotten that there is an Old Testament in the Bible. He proceeds to cite Exodus 19:5 and 31:13 and 17 to the lost man.

Can you even begin to imagine the confusion all of this has caused? Even in this “enlightened” day there is very little effort in Christendom to “rightly divide the Word of Truth.” [2 Tim. 2:15]. The prevailing theology is Covenant/Reformed/Replacement Theology. This is a system of “spiritualizing” Scripture. The premise is that God is finished dealing with Israel and the Church has taken Israel’s place in the scheme of things. The Church becomes “Spiritual Israel.” The other major approach to the Word of God is Dispensational Theology. This system takes a historical/literal approach to Scripture and marks the distinctions between Israel and the Church. Further, dispensationalists recognize the distinct ministry of the Apostle Paul to the Church and the twelve to Israel. Most denominations make no effort to understand nor teach the marked distinctions between Israel and the Body of Christ. Paul is considered to be just another apostle – one of the twelve. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church is either not taught or is confused with our Lord’s second coming. And the kingdom of the gospels and Acts is confused with the Body of Christ. This is the state of confusion in Christendom today.

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About Me

Married to my wonderful wife [Judy] for 50+ years. Three super daughters, Susan, Ph.D., Mendy, MS, Kelley, BS RN. Serious student of the Word of God. Study the Bible from the mid-Acts dispensational position.